Sponsor A Girl
Imagine if you could change someone's life for just $4 a day ...
When you sponsor a girl, your monthly donation pays for all of her training and education on a monthly basis. We are a high quality, high impact program! Your sponsored girl will be learning with us 6 days a week, 10 months a year.
a girl who is told her entire life that she is not good enough
a long-term solution that provides girls a safe space to learn and grow
gender inequality and give girls a chance to become all they can be
an entire way of thinking!
How Sponsorship Works
Ascend offers high quality programming to all of our team members at no cost to them. Sponsors provide a vital source of support to pay for the training and education we deliver 6 days a week. Enrollment in Ascend's program can change the trajectory of a girl's life, at a time when she may be under pressure to marry or leave school.
When you choose to sponsor a girl, we will match you with one of our team members. We'll send you a welcome kit that introduces you to your sponsored team member, including a photo and bio. During the sponsorship year, you will receive a personal video message from your sponsored girl, and updates from Ascend on how your sponsorship is making an incredible difference.
Your monthly support is combined with the support of other sponsors, so that Ascend can ensure that all participants - regardless of whether they have a sponsor - receive the same life-changing benefits of sponsorship.
Sometimes circumstances change, and Ascend team members leave the program. In such cases, we open that slot to a new team member and your sponsorship is transferred to support her.
To protect participants, Ascend will act as an intermediary for all communications between sponsors and beneficaries.
What you receive when you sponsor a girl
A welcome kit with details about your sponsored girl, and a photo
Regular updates showing the impact of your sponsorship throughout the year
A personal video message from your sponsored girl
A handwritten letter from your sponsored girl
Invitations to special online events featuring our team members
Satisfaction that you have made a difference!
What your sponsored girl receives
High quality training, 6 days a week, 10 months a year!
A safe place to learn, exercise, and bond with teammates
The knowledge that someone believes in her
The chance to help others through a volunteer service project
Opportunities for internships and employment for highly driven participants
Constant exposure to strong women role models
A brighter future!
"Before I joined Ascend, I never thought about my dreams or goals. I didn't know I could make my own way. I am a different person now, with a totally different plan for my life."
Zahra, first-year participant
"If I can meet the challenges that Ascend gives me, I can meet any challenge in my life. I know I am strong."
Breshna, second-year participant & intern